Thursday 18 October 2012

The Alphabet

The Norwegian alphabet is based on the latin alphabet. It has 29 letters (three more than the English alphabet).

This is how you pronounce the letters (try reading it out loud like you would say it in English). For example: the first letter is pronounced "ah" rather than "ay" like in English.

Listen to this video while reading the letters below. Try repeating what I'm saying out loud.

A - ah
B - beh
C - seh
D - deh
E - eh
F - ef
G - geh
H - haw
I - ee
J - jod/jeh
K - kaw
L - el
M - em
N - en
O - o
P - peh
Q - koo
R - air (role the R)
S - ess
T - teh
U - oo
V - veh
W - dobbeltveh
X - eks
Y - ee (not completely accurate)
Z - set

Here are the extra letters...
Æ - a (like in "sad")
Ø - ir (like in "bird")
Å - aw (like in "awful")

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