This is how you pronounce the letters (try reading it out loud like you would say it in English). For example: the first letter is pronounced "ah" rather than "ay" like in English.
Listen to this video while reading the letters below. Try repeating what I'm saying out loud.
A - ah
B - beh
C - seh
D - deh
E - eh
F - ef
G - geh
H - haw
I - ee
J - jod/jeh
K - kaw
L - el
M - em
N - en
O - o
P - peh
Q - koo
R - air (role the R)
S - ess
T - teh
U - oo
V - veh
W - dobbeltveh
X - eks
Y - ee (not completely accurate)
Z - set
Here are the extra letters...
Æ - a (like in "sad")
Ø - ir (like in "bird")
Å - aw (like in "awful")
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