After you have made your way from the airport to the hotel, it will be time to check in. This will of course be done at a check-in desk, like any other normal hotel. So what do you say now?
"Jeg vil gjerne sjekke inn" - I would like to check in.
"Når kan jeg sjekke inn?" - when can I check in?
"Reservasjonen er under Anna Burdal" - The reservation is under Anna Burdal (notice how "reservasjon" ends with -en. This indicates a male word and would be translated to THE reservation. If you move -en to the front "en reservasjon", it means a reservation).
"Hvilket romnummer?" - which room number?
"Hvilken etasje?" - which floor?
(On the last two, the gender comes at the end of the question word "hvilke". The first one indicates a neuter word(nummer), because it ends with -et, the second one ends with -en and is therefore male(etasje))
"Er frokost inkludert?" - is breakfast included? (our word is a bit similar to the German word Frühstück. Like in German, "fro" means early, but "kost" in this context means diet).
"Hvordan kommer jeg meg til Karl Johans Gate?" -How do I get to Karl Johans Street?
Hope this is helpful and that you are writing down any new words. Audio will come soon!
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