The ng sound - the g isn't really sounded - "ting"(thing) "ring"(ring)
The gn sound - the g isn't really sounded - "tegn" (sign) "regn" (rain)
The sk sound - becomes sh before some vowels - "skitt" (dirt) "skille" (divide)
- can be sk before other vowels - "skalle" (scull) "sko" (shoe)
The skj sound - becomes sh - "skjorte" (shirt) "skjørt" (skirt)
The rs sound - often becomes sh - "norsk" (Norwegian) "torsk" (cod)
Some consonants can be silent. Here are some examples of those words(listen and read at the same time. Repead after me):
but there are some exeptions where the D is sounded - "ned" (down) "sted"(place)
G - is silent in adjectives/adverbs ending with ig - "ledig" (free) "deilig" (delicious)
H - is silent before j and v - "hjem" (home) "hva" (what)
T - is silent at the end of a definite neuter noun - "huset" (the house)
and at the end of "det"(it)
V - is silent at the end of some words - "tolv" (twelve) "halv" (half)
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