Sunday 21 October 2012

Out and about part 1

Are you planning to travel to Norway anytime soon? Then this entry might be of use to you. I do recommend you to follow the rest of my blog as well, but this entry will be about doing stuff in Norway such as getting the train, checking into a hotel or eating out. First:

"Jeg reiser med fly til Norge" - I'm travelling with aeroplane to Norway
"Jeg reiser alene" - I'm travelling alone
"Jeg reiser med familien" - I'm travelling with the family.
"Jeg reiser i morgen" - I'm travelling tomorrow(I'm going tomorrow)

At the Airport

Airports in Norway have English signs, but it might be fun to be able to READ the Norwegian signs too. When you arrive at the airport in Norway, the first thing you want to do is find your luggage. Look for a sign saying "bagasje"(luggage).

You then want to look for a way out of the airport. If you want to travel by bus, look the sign "flybuss"(airport bus). If you want to travel by train look for the sign "flytog" (airport train).

Things you might find yourself asking at a Norwegian airport:
"Hvor er bagasjen?" - Where is the luggage?
Or perhaps more formally:
"Hvor kan jeg finne bagasjen?" - Where can I find the luggage?

"Hvor kan jeg kjøpe togbillett/bussbillett?" - Where can I buy a train ticket/bus ticket?
"Én enkelbillett til Oslo, takk" - One single ticket to Oslo, please.

If you are travelling by bus, a question you might want to ask the bus driver is:
"Hvilket stopp for Radisson Hotell?" - Which stop for Radisson Hotel? (Insert the name or your hotel).

Next time we will go through how to check into hotels.

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