Saturday 20 October 2012

Introducing yourself

Although the theory/grammar behind a language is very important, I also think it is important to keep the people you are teaching interested. So I thought I would move on to introducing yourself, and I will get back to more grammar later.

Remember: keep a book with the words that you learn. Perhaps an address book, because you can then organise the words more easily, and find back to the words you have learned.

Here is a soundclip of how you pronouce it. Listen while reading everything below. Pause it as you repeat what I've just said.

How to greet people casually:
"Hei" - hi
"Hallo" - hello

How to greet people formally:
"God dag" - g
ood day
"God morgen" - good morning

How to say goodbye casually:
"Ha det" - bye (directly translated: have it, but you wouldn't say that in English)
"Ha det bra/godt" - goodbye (directly translated: have it good
"God natt" - good night

How to say goodbye formally(people hardly do that):
Farvel - goodbye (technically it means Farewell)
Adjø - goodbye (in my opinion, this is quite old fashioned)

This is how you say a few facts about yourself. Try reading what's below while listening to the clip.

How to indroduce yourself to a stranger:
"Hei, jeg heter Anna/mitt navn er Anna" - hi, I'm Anna/my name is Anna

"Jeg kommer fra Norge" - I come from Norway (you will of course have to replace Norway with your country. Feel free to ask me what it is called in Norwegian)
"Jeg er 20 år gammel" - I am 20 years old (20 is pronounced tyve/tjue. - will explain the last one when we start talking about numbers)

Keeping a conversation(preferably try it with a friend):
Du: "Hei, jeg heter Anna. Hva heter du?" - You: "Hi, my name is Anna. What is your name?"
Gutt: "Hei, mitt navn er Hans." - Boy: "Hi, my name is Hans."
Du: "Hvor kommer du fra?" - You: "Where do you come from?"
Gutt: "Jeg kommer fra Norge. Og du?" - Boy: "I come from Norway. And you?"

Du: "Jeg kommer fra England. Hvor i Norge bor du?" - You: "I come from England. Where in Norway do you live?
Gutt: "Jeg bor i Oslo. Hvor i England bor du?" - Boy: "I live in Oslo. Where in England do you live?"

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